Batch of counterfeit product is seized
Source: Anvisa Portal
The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) determined on Thursday (6) the seizure, throughout the country, of batch 04B06 counterfeit product Intravenous Catheter Nipro 24G x ¾. The product is originally manufactured by the company Nipro Medical Ltda., Which informed Anvisa of the falsification report.
According to the documentation sent by the company, among the differences found, the label of the fake product has no tear off and presents poor print quality. Check out the main features that differentiate the counterfeit product from the original.
Anvisa also suspended all drugs manufactured by the company Araújo & Santiago Produtos Naturais Ltda., Fantasy name Flora Amazônia Produtos Naturais, headquartered in Abadia de Goiás (GO). The company has no operating authorization and the products are not registered with the Agency.
For the same reasons, Anvisa suspended the manufacture, distribution, trade and use of the Formilix product, marketed by Agropec Miack Produtos Agropecuarios Ltda., In Pirajuí (SP).
Due to lack of registration, products from two other companies were also suspended. From Quimifarma Produtos Farmacêuticos Ltda, headquartered in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), are irregular: Orange Blossom Water, Magnesium Chloride, Mineral Vegeto Water, Alibour Water, Benzine, Sulfuric Ether, Glycerin and Arnica Dye.
DI Hellen Indústria de Cosméticos Ltda, headquartered in Encanto (RS), has suspended the production of DI Hellen Siliconized Milk and the distribution, trade and use of batches manufactured as of December 31, 2006.
Anvisa also suspended the product Grandesc Caixa Coletora de Perforadora Cortavas Granmed, manufactured and marketed by Granmed Indústria e Comércio LtdA., In Belenzinho (SP). The product registration has expired (expired).
The suspension of one or all of the batches of a given product is definitive and has immediate validity, after disclosure of the measure in the Official Gazette. The collection (withdrawal from the market) is the responsibility of the manufacturer.
In case of suspicion, it is recommended to contact the local health surveillance or call Disque Saúde, through the free telephone service 0800-61-1997.