Marcílio Marques Moreira links dismissal to Lupi case


Source: Agência Estado, 27/02/2008

Former President of the Public Ethics Committee of the Presidency of the Republic Marcílio Marques Moreira does not rule out that his resignation is related to the fact that the Minister of Labor, Carlos Lupi, occupies, simultaneously, the command of the ministry and the national presidency of the PDT. The Presidency's Public Ethics Committee assessed that this accumulation of functions was unethical and suggested that the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva should take action, which has not yet occurred.

Speaking on the subject, in the late afternoon of today, in São Paulo, minutes before the launch of the book Cultura das Transgressões no Brasil, which he coordinated with ex-president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Moreira said: “I think the Lupi episode is a small part of a larger whole. ” The former president of the Public Ethics Committee of the Presidency of the Republic continued: "There is little sensitivity from society, government and private companies regarding ethics." Moreira also said that he was frustrated by the fact that the suggestions of the Public Ethics Commission were not accepted by the federal administration. "I leave frustrated, yes, but also hopeful that ethics is a management tool." He said he stepped down from chairing the commission, but that he still sits on the board. "I thought it was time to pass the baton (presidency) to Minister Sepúlveda Pertence (new president)."