Invoice will be mandatory in December
Source: Alagoas 24 hours, 28/11/2008
From next Monday, December 1st, new segments of the Alagoas economy will be required to issue the Electronic Invoice (NF-e). Since April of this year, the segments of liquid fuels and cigarettes are already obligatorily participating in this process.
Among the segments that will obligatorily enter into the tax document issuing system are, for example, the manufacture of cars, vans, utilities, trucks, buses and motorcycles, cement manufacturers, manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers of allopathic medicines for human use, slaughterhouses and wholesalers that promote the output of fresh, chilled and frozen meat of bovine, swine, buffalo and poultry species, manufacturers of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages, including beers and draft beer, and the steel industries, among others. The list of these contributors can be accessed at the link
In Alagoas, about 1 companies are expected to adhere to the issuance of the NF-e on the 200st of December. Currently 56 contributors are already issuing the electronic document.
A counter on the Sefaz / AL website indicates the number of NF-e issued, the number of participating companies, the total amount of funds handled and the day and time of the last issue. Until 17:40 pm on November 28, Sefaz / AL had already issued 325.263 NF-e, moving R $ 5.626.448.578,27. To access, just enter the link
The project for the implementation of the NF-e in Brazil was created in August 2005, at the II National Meeting of Tax Administrators (Enat), and is part of the national project Public System of Digital Bookkeeping (SPED), which intends to modernize and integrate the Farms Public in the country. Among its objectives is to replace the current paper bill issuing system with a digital system with legal validity. In this way, the project would reduce the taxpayer's ancillary obligations.
Source: Assessoria