The digital age professional and e-government


Source: Administradores - PB - LATEST NEWS - 21/07/2009

Companies and individuals are failing to spell out paper signatures of important documents, such as contracts, transactions with financial institutions and also with the Judiciary, in addition to invoice deeds and accounting books.

They increasingly use the digital medium as an instrument of ratification, authorization and designation of authorship of these practices. Such facts have been occurring due to a series of changes in services implemented by notaries, banks and public authorities, in search of more security, better control and quality in the collection of taxes.

The transformation is causing people to transfer all procedures, until then made official through the printing of electronic files on paper, to the exclusively digital medium, with legal validity and legal support. An example of this is the widespread use of municipal and state electronic invoices.

From now on, companies, on a larger scale, must supply the entire economic movement, formerly registered in the so-called daily and auxiliary books, immediately after the end of the fiscal year, to SPED - Public Digital Bookkeeping System. This groups the information from Electronic Invoices, tax bookkeeping of books of records of exits, entries and inventory, as well as the old daily book, in a national repository administered by the IRS.

The Commercial Boards, synonymous with a large registry office with mountains of papers, are updating themselves so that all procedures use the electronic flow, since its generation, transmission, analysis and return to the user. The new system is called Registro Mercantil Digital.
The crossing of economic and tax information is increasingly efficient, as the transit of electronic data, previously restricted to papers, is now carried out electronically by the taxpayers themselves to the tax authorities, through programs that validate the information and transmit it, via the internet. , for the government database.

Thanks to the legal instruments of the Digital Era, professionals in the accounting and legal fields, who for decades have suffered from the bureaucracy imposed by notaries, public agencies and the Judiciary, are able to work without leaving their home or office. The generation of processes with Digital Certification gives them a legal guarantee and authenticity of the signature, as if it were in their own hand.

There are many examples of the success of Digital Certification in different activities, such as: access to the database of taxpayers of the Federal Revenue, with rectifications of payment forms, issuance of duplicates, consultation of information provided by third parties to the Tax Authorities and several benefits who avoid the infamous comings and goings at the service desk; petition protocol in the online Judiciary, Sisdoc - Integrated System for the Protocol of Physical and Electronic Documents; sending legal proceedings from the beginning via the internet; and Registration of the Electronic Daily Book at the Commercial Boards.

Thus, it is up to professionals who use the benefits of electronic means (1,1 million citizens, 400 thousand accountants and 700 thousand lawyers) to help the government to reduce bureaucracy, in addition to teaching, disseminating and multiplying good use before the population. this tool. It is up to the government to create mechanisms to transfer all existing processes that still require the physical presence of people and papers to electronic media.

The new generation enters the market with the digital philosophy and facilitates the understanding of these benefits. The Digital Era has started a technological race towards the future, with no chance of a return. As nostalgic as someone may be, it has become inexorably useless to type on the old typing machine or to continue to reason in an analogical way. From that valuable work tool of our parents, we can only keep the good heritage of typing. However, even this ability will, in due course, migrate “from your fingertips” to voice command.

As all these changes are extremely sudden, vertiginous, many people have not yet realized. Others created a certain resistance and even justified fear, because it is not always easy to face the new. And so they are left outside, or outside, their own world.

* Antoninho Marmo Trevisan is a businessman and educator, chairman of the Advisory Board of BDO Trevisan, Trevisan Consultoria e Gestão, Trevisan Escola de Negócios and Member of the Economic and Social Development Council (CDES).