Federal Police collect smuggled cigarette from Paraguay


Source: Diário Catarinense Online - Florianópolis / SC - 24/08/2010

The goods, which would be sold in the region, were stored in 200 boxes - Maurício Vieira

Seized merchandise

Photo: Maurício Vieira


About 100 thousand cigarette bags were seized in a shed, in the Vila Zuleima neighborhood, in Criciúma

Ana Paula Cardoso

The Federal Police (PF) seized about 100 wallets of smuggled cigarettes from Paraguay while patrolling the Vila Zuleima neighborhood in Criciúma.

The goods, which would be sold in the region, were stored in 200 boxes. The owner of the shed is suspected of being the owner of the cigarettes and must be held criminally responsible for smuggling. No one was arrested during the action, which took place on Monday.

The material was collected by the team of delegate Rdgard Butze Grudtner and will go to the headquarters of the Federal Revenue, so that the amount of tax evasion is calculated and to follow up on other administrative procedures. The person responsible for the product will be prosecuted at the end of the investigations.