City hall authorizes crushing of 267 packs of cigarettes


Source: A Crítica - MS - Campo Grande / MS - NEWS - 06/05/2010

With the authorization of the Municipal Secretariat for the Environment and Urban Development (Semadur), with the support of the Brazilian Association to Combat Counterfeiting (ABCF), Organoeste company will crush 267 thousand packs of cigarettes.

With the crushing the cigarettes will be transformed into organic fertilizers. The cigarette packages will be crushed in the company's yard, located in the ring road between the exit of Aquidauana and Sidrolândia and will be accompanied by the Federal Revenue Service, and Semadur.
Semadur holder, Marcos Cristaldo informed that, with this work, Campo Grande leads the way with regard to the clean-up of the ozone layer. "I hope that this example will be followed by other Brazilian cities," he said.

Organoeste's owner partner, Flávio Pereira explained that 95% of the product in the cigarette portfolio is organic. The rest is disposable. “All these cigarette packs will be crushed and mixed with organic products as determined by the Ministry of Health. This attitude is commendable since it unites the municipal and federal authorities. Everything is for the environment ”, he added.