Award encourages ethics in competition between companies


The IBRAC - ETCO Award for Monographs in Defense of Competition Ethics, launched today (September 23) at the Ministry of Justice in Brasília will include the best academic works in the area of ​​Economic Law. Promoted by IBRAC? Brazilian Institute for the Study of Competition, Consumption and International Trade, with the sponsorship of the Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics - ETCO and the support of the Ministry of Justice, will the award be divided into two categories? Professional (graduate students in a broad sense and professionals with university degrees); and Graduation (university students).

With the objective of encouraging research in the field of competition law, the idea of ​​the Award is to increase the degree of awareness about the harmful aspects of illegal trade practices and to bring to the center of major national debates the problem of the informal market, responsible for a annual loss of more than 160 billion reais to the public coffers. For both categories? Professional and Graduation? monographs must present a current and specific focus on the theme Reflections and Solutions within the Brazilian Competition Defense System; for the Issue of Predatory Competition Practiced by Competitors Who, Due to Failure to Comply with Legislation, Obtain Competitive Advantages.

For the elaboration of the works, it is recommended that the authors watch the institutional videos of ETCO, in addition to the study entitled Removing barriers to economic growth and the formal economy in Brazil, available on the internet at
The prizes for the winners in the Professional category will be distributed as follows: for the first place, twelve thousand reais, the second place, seven thousand reais and the third place, four thousand reais. In the Graduation category, the first receives six thousand reais, the second three thousand reais and the third, fifteen hundred reais.

How to participate

The registration form will be available on the IBRAC website,, as well as ETCO, and should be sent together with the work until January 05, 2005, by Sedex, in a sealed envelope for the IBRAC-ETCO Award for Monographs in Defense of Competition Ethics, to Rua Cardoso de Almeida, nº 788 - Conj 121, Perdizes, CEP 05013-001 - São Paulo / SP. The results can be seen at the same addresses as of March 1, 2005.

For more information visit the Regulation (pdf - 75Kb).

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