Ministry of Transparency discloses companies approved in Pró-Ética 2016
25 companies were recognized as integral to the relationship between public and private sectors
Ministry of Transparency, Inspection and Controllership-General of the Union (CGU) released, this Wednesday (16), the list of the 25 companies approved in the 2016 edition of Pro-Ethics. The companies were recognized, by relevant government and civil society bodies, as integral and ethical in their relations between the public and private sectors. The announcement was made during the 3th Clean Company Law Conference.
The winners this year are: ABB Ltda., 3M do Brasil, Alphatec SA, Banco do Brasil, Banco Santander Brasil, Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE), Chiesi Farmacêutica Ltda., Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN), Dudalina SA, Duratex SA, EDP Energias do Brasil, Elektro Redes SA, Enel Brasil SA, Granbio Investimentos SA, ICTS Global, Itaú Unibanco, JLL - Jones Lang LaSalle, Microsoft Informática Ltda., Natura Cosméticos SA, Neoenergia SA, Nova / SB Comunicação Ltda. , Radix Engineering and Software Development SA, Serasa Experian, Siemens Ltda. and Tecnew Informática.
Pró-Ética, a pioneering initiative in Latin America, was created in 2010 by the Ministry of Transparency in partnership with the Ethos Institute. The objective is to encourage corporations to adopt the policies and actions necessary to create a healthy environment, which reduces the risks of fraud and corruption.
Source: Ministry of Transparency
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