Meeting assesses security, joint actions and priorities in the Capital


Source: Gazeta de Interlagos - 10/10/2012

Members of the Municipal Integrated Management Office, GGI-M “Security Office” participated in a meeting at the Matarazzo Building, to assess joint actions and priorities in the Capital. The Office, which has several fronts, is composed of members of the Federal, State and Municipal Governments, such as the Ministry of Justice-PRONASCI, Federal Police, ABIN, Federal Highway Police, Civil and Military Police, Secretariat of Justice, Fire Department , Municipal Secretaries of Urban Security, Subprefectures, Participation and Partnerships, Health, Social Assistance, Human Rights, Education, GCM, SAMU, Civil Defense, in addition to civil society organizations with Instituto Sou da Paz, National Forum to Combat Piracy and Instituto ETCO, among others.

During the meeting, the Municipal Secretary for Urban Security cited homicide rates in São Paulo, which after a small increase in June fell again in July, reaching the rate of 10 homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants. He also highlighted the success of actions against illegal trade, through the Committee to Combat Piracy, one of the fronts of joint work, which has already seized 52, 2 million pirated or illegal products in 13.208 stores, from 42 commercial establishments in the central region , during 160 operations of the Office. Of this total, 50 million seizures took place in 42 major operations that inspected 10.856 stores. Another 2.200 were in 2.352 stores / boxes, through the monitoring of inspected locations, since all malls and galleries that insist on selling illegal products undergo new intervention. Another factor highlighted was the role of the police, in order to prevent the entry of illegal products through ports, borders, airports and to check carts and trucks that circulate on highways carrying these irregular products.

The Municipal Integrated Management Office also approved the creation of the Committee to Combat Illegal Trade in Automotive Parts in order to inspect the places that illegally buy and sell this type of product. State government, municipality and Union bodies participate in it.

At the meeting, the representative of the Municipal Transportation Secretariat / Traffic Engineering Company (CET) showed the balance of the actions of the pedestrian protection program, to implement the culture of respect for pedestrians, initiated on May 11, 2011 in the central area and expanded in September of the same year to the entire city, and caused pedestrian accidents to fall 34% and deaths 40%, in relation to the previous year. For this purpose, in addition to the traffic agents, 900 crossing advisers were hired (number that will reach 1.400 by the end of the year), several educational campaigns in parks, squares, places of great circulation of people and through the media. Educational and awareness campaigns were also intensified for drivers who disrespect pedestrians. Another action presented by SMT / CET was the implantation and expansion of bike lanes and bike lanes throughout the city, encouraging people to use bicycles. There are already 82 km of bike lanes and 52 km of bike lanes in the city.