Sefaz will explain electronic invoice
Source: Sefaz, 07/11/2007
The Advisory
In view of the requirement for fuel and cigarette segments across the country to adopt the Electronic Invoice (NF-e) in their business transactions as of April 1, 2008, the Mato Grosso Finance Department (Sefaz) will carry out the next Tuesday a seminar to guide representatives of these sectors on the use of this system. The event will be from 8 am to 12 pm, in the auditorium of the State Department of Education (Seduc), in Cuiabá. The seminar will be conducted by technicians from Sefaz and the technical coordinator of the National Meeting of State Tax Coordinators and Administrators (Encat) and the NF-e Project, Álvaro Bahia.
According to the Executive Advisor of Sefaz Public Revenue, Mariza Fiorenza, who will open the event, the seminar aims to inform taxpayers and accountants the procedures that should be adopted when using the Electronic Invoice. The superintendent of Sefaz's Integrated Customer Service Center, Ana Maria Brandão, will speak at the seminar on the strategic vision of the farm agency. Then, Sefaz's Federal Tax Relations advisor, Múcio Ferreira Ribas, and Álvaro Bahia will explain about the NF-e project guidelines.
Subsequently, State Tax inspectors Jobson Oscar Bottós, manager of the NF-e Project in Mato Grosso, and Adilson Garcia Rúbio, both assigned to Sefaz's Digital Information Management (GIDI), will provide information on legislation, tax obligations and possible consequences of the use of the Electronic Invoice in commercial operations made by taxpayers in the fuel and cigarette segments.