Software, mandatory at gas stations, will control fuel tax evasion


Source: Virtual Gas - RJ - 17/11/2009

The Secretary of Finance, Antônio Gavazzoni, announced today, during the interview at the headquarters of the State Prosecutor's Office, that the portfolio will oblige all 2.034 stations in the State to install software that will inform the inspection of all the entry and exit of fuel in the tanks of the posts.

This will be the alternative to combat tax evasion since there is no tax substitution (collection at the producer origin) in the case of alcohol and on the northern border, SC has 73 accesses, which is impossible to monitor 24 hours a day, says the secretary.

The Treasury will send a bill on an urgent basis to the Legislative Assembly to approve this equipment requirement. Each station will receive a credit of R $ 10 for the acquisition of the same and in 18 months the expectation is that all stations will be equipped.

Consumer relief

As the system will charge ICMS (25%) for everything that leaves the tanks, gas station owners will be less motivated to mix water in alcohol, alcohol in gasoline or cooking oil in diesel oil. These mixtures can also be detected by the system that will inhibit, even, the reuse of the invoice because the Farm will compare the quantities sold with the total collected.

The software that will control the service stations' tanks was developed by Fazenda de SC in partnership with a private company in the capital. The pilot project has been successfully testing a post for five months in Florianópolis.
(Source: Zero Hora)