Illegal goods inflows
Loss on trade in pirated products increases and Country loses billions Neither the economic crisis nor the increase in the value of the dollar against the real stopped the growth of illegal or non-tax goods entering the country.
According to a survey by the National Forum Against Piracy, an entity that brings together dozens of sectors affected by smuggling, the problem has become even greater in the sectors most affected. Blaming the lack of government action on border control and the increase in taxes by state governments, including São Paulo, business associations began an advertising campaign accusing the government of collaborating for a chain that generates unemployment in the country.
The expectation of these entities was that the high dollar and the reduction of consumption in Brazil could help to reduce the entry of products from outside prohibited or that do not pay taxes. But they point out that the lack of border controls and the increase in taxes on national products, has made this illegal market increase.
According to Edson Vismona, who coordinates the Forum, the cigarette and clothing industries, the most affected, made surveys in 2015 that revealed an increase in the share of smuggled products in their sectors.
According to the data, in the case of cigarettes, the illegal market already accounts for 32% of the official market (it was 30%). In clothing, it reached 14.2% (it was 12%). In these two sectors alone, illegal goods moved RS 33 billion in Brazil. Vismona points out that another 15 sectors of the economy, from medicines to auto parts. they still do not have data compiled for 2015 on the entry of illegal products, but they report that there was no change compared to previous years. Last year, the affected industries ran a major advertising campaign to ask the government to take action against piracy. In the calculations of these organizations, the government fails to earn RSl00 billion a year by allowing illegal goods to enter the country.
The organizations' efforts included the attempt to approve more funds for border control actions, especially with Paraguay, and with legislative measures to try to make the penalties for these crimes tougher.
According to Evandro Guimarães, who directs the NGO ETCO, focused on actions by business sectors due to competitive ethics, there were no necessary measures to combat piracy in the country and this justifies the increase in the tone of advertisements against the government.
"We are realizing that there is a lack of an aggressive policy, which makes the fiscal adjustment through the fight against illegalities", said Guimarães.
In September 2015,0 Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) made a diagnosis about the performance of governmental agencies at the borders and found that the work was “improvised” and there was no law, resources, personnel or equipment to control the 17 thousand kilometers of the country's borders, where illegal products enter.
100 BILLION reais is how much the government fails to collect per year with piracy TCU APONTA FALH>> In September 2015,0 Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) made a diagnosis about the performance of government agencies at the borders and found that the work was “improvised” and there was no law, resources, personnel or equipment to control the 17 thousand kilometers of the country's borders, where illegal products enter.
Coordinated government actions are lacking
The diagnosis made by the Federal Court of Auditors last year pointed out that the main problem to stop the entry of illegal goods or that do not pay taxes in the country was the lack of coordination and, therefore, the court determined the Civil House of the Presidency of the It republishes an action plan to combat piracy, giving it six months to be presented.
According to TCU Minister Augusto Nardes, rapporteur of the process, separately, some entities that work in the sector would present their projects to him on how to act on the border, but the Civil House did not present the requested plan.
"We are concerned because there is a lack of integration between public policies in this stator," said Nardes. Sought, the ministries of the Civil House and justice did not comment on the matter. CIIVIRGAÇÀO / G0f Illegal cigarette sales already account for 32% of the official market in the country.
Source: Jornal de Brasília
Date: 03 / 03 / 2016