Public consultation receives proposals from society to fight corruption
Popular participation in public policies has been reinforced since Monday (9) with the launch of a virtual tool. Through the Ministry of Justice, the federal government has made available to society the possibility of suggesting measures to combat corruption. Interested parties should access the page Just a quick registration with name and email address to participate.
The digital public consultation will last for 30 days and includes six axes, as an appeal system in criminal proceedings and the Administrative Improbity Law. Based on the suggestions of the population, the government may have consistent suggestions for developing policies against corruption, which include improvements in some sectors and also the drafting of laws.
The Minister of Justice, Eduardo Cardozo, recalled that the federal government has as one of its guidelines the fight against corruption and that public policies in this sense have been improving. He mentioned that it is necessary to expose the problem for it to be solved., He also compared the situation with a disease that, when silent, cannot be combated.
“We want to hear from society, to know what society thinks. It is better to be debated, in relation to our rules of judicial and administrative procedure on combating corruption. We are trying to involve the population in this important fight, which is the fight against corruption, ”said Cardozo.
The chief minister of the Federal Comptroller General (CGU), Valdir Simão, recalled the importance of integrated actions between government, powers and society to fight corruption. Simão defended that overcoming the wound of corruption, which causes such great harm in the country, is possible based on this union of efforts between powers and the population.
“Everyone's participation is important. Every citizen, even one who is not a specialist, can participate. CGU is very committed to acting in the control of the agencies and also stimulating companies that do business with the Public Power, of service providers, to adopt programs to combat improbity ”, he said. "Only with transparency and accountability and decision-making in public bodies, a balanced relationship with companies will we be able to overcome the evil of corruption."
The National Secretary of Justice, Beto Vasconcelos, who coordinates a Working Group (WG) to debate the topic, highlighted that the more accurate diagnosis of data is one of the concerns of the Ministry of Justice (MJ). The WG was created by President Dilma Rousseff in March of this year and debates have already been held in Porto Alegre (RS), Recife (PE), Brasília (DF) and São Paulo (SP).
Vasconcelos pointed out that the subthemes are the result of a discussion between the MJ, the Comptroller General of the Union, the National Council of Justice, the Attorney General's Office, the National Council of the Public Ministry and the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association. The secretary said that a greater participation of law students is expected, but that any citizen can make his suggestion.
Source: Portal Brasil (08/06)