Ten posts in ES are assessed in Operation “Integrated Pump”
The “Integrated Pump” operation was a task force between the State Secretariat of Finance (Sefaz), the State Procon, the Institute of Weights and Measures of Espírito Santo (Ipem) and the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), and supervised the quality of products and services offered by gas stations in Espírito Santo.
Sefaz, responsible for verifying the correct issuance of tax documents, using the PAF-ECF application and its integration with supply pumps found irregularities in three gas stations: one in Vila Velha, one in Cariacica and another in Serra. Two other posts in the municipality of São Mateus had problems with registration and took notice to regularize them.
“We checked that all the pumps were connected with the application, which controls the fuel outlet. Our function was to fight unfair competition and avoid tax evasion ”, stressed Sefaz's Retail Supervisor, Leandro Kuster, explaining that these posts received infraction notices and were fined.
Ipem was present analyzing the correct measurement and operation of the pumps. According to the tax agent of the agency Carlos Junior, the intention was to prove that the amount of fuel purchased according to the dial was in accordance with the amount that actually reaches the car's tank. In three stations, one in Santa Inês, Vila Velha, the 'low bomb' was found.
“We had to verify that when the consumer buys, for example, 20 liters, he is actually receiving this amount. We have a tolerance of 100ml more or less. The majority respected this limit. It is necessary to carry out a periodic review of the pumps to check whether they are in agreement ”, explained the Inspector, who sealed the pumps for the irregular flow and also imposed fines.
The ANP was responsible for analyzing the fuel quality of the service stations. The agency, represented by Procon-ES, assessed a post in São Mateus due to quality problems (gasoline outside the specifications of the ANP), generating interdictions in two nozzles and a fuel tank and also banning another station in the same city, which operated without ANP authorization.
At the site, the ANP checked whether the amount of ethanol present in gasoline was in compliance with what was permitted by law. Samples of gasoline, alcohol and diesel oil were collected and will be thoroughly analyzed in the laboratory for the presence of substances such as methanol, sulfur and solvents, subject to irregularities.
Source: Portal ES Hoje