New law could open opportunity for drug logistics companies
Requirements of the new National Medicines Control System (SNCM) create new opportunities and increase the logistics sector. However, the need for investments in technology and automation puts cargo operators in a race against time, to adapt to the conditions of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa).
The purpose of the law is to reduce the amount of counterfeit, adulterated, wasted or improperly stolen medicines. Remedy is one of the products most targeted by gangs, according to the National Association of Cargo Transport and Logistics (NTC & Logística). “With technological and electronic control, there will be no possibility for the patient to receive the wrong medicine, in addition to reducing the possibility of smuggling “, Says the professor at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP), Eduardo Mario Dias.
Source: DCI (08/05)
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