Business Ethics - 04/2004


30 / 04 / 2004 - State Prosecutor of São Paulo requested preventive arrest of a gang accused of applying blows to the mandatory insurance Dpvat of 171 people

29 / 04 / 2004 - Institute of Forensics in Digital Technologies and Telecommunications estimates that losses caused by internet fraud exceeded R $ 100 billion last year

28 / 04 / 2004 - ANP again authorizes the company Golfo to build a unit to produce fuel, after the company investigated by CPI on suspicion of product fraud

27 / 04 / 2004 - Internet pirates are conducting an online census using the IBGE name

26 / 04 / 2004 - Textile companies believe that piracy in the area eliminates 75 jobs a year

22 / 04 / 2004 - American who hacked about 200 Oscar-winning films could face up to three years in prison

22 / 04 / 2004 - Deputies create subcommittee to continue investigations initiated by CPI da Pirataria, such as the damage that pirated products cause to consumers

21 / 04 / 2004 - Federal Police agents arrest 14 people in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso do Sul, who defrauded the INSS by R $ 1 million

20 / 04 / 2004 - PT's National Directorate proposes that Lula Government immediately remove the Unified Public Security System from paper to take immediate measures against violence

19 / 04 / 2004 - US police arrest two men in California who pirated films from inside theaters

16 / 04 / 2004 - Ex-wife of one of the country's biggest fuel fraudsters is sentenced to three and a half years in prison. It managed the Petrofor service station network, which withheld R $ 50 million

15 / 04 / 2004 - National Health Surveillance Agency works in partnership with the Ministry of Finance to combat illegal drug trade

15 / 04 / 2004 - USP scientists patent a technique for making chocolate food based on cupuaçu, which became a symbol of the fight against biopiracy in the country after a Japanese company registered the name as a brand

14 / 04 / 2004 - Country singer Ralph presents to the Ministry of Science and Technology a project that reduces the costs of CDs, DVDs and video games

13 / 04 / 2004 - Incra technicians inspect the farm in the South that belonged to a businessman convicted of tax evasion and foreign exchange evasion that can be used for land reform

12 / 04 / 2004 - Government will send to Congress proposal to create internal affairs offices in all ministries to investigate misuse of public resources by civil servants

09 / 04 / 2004 - In the event of fraud due to transactions made over the Internet or at the ATM, financial institutions must take responsibility

08 / 04 / 2004 - Due to the inquiry about deputy fraud in the single health system, the Supreme Court will decide the position of the Public Ministry before public investigations

08 / 04 / 2004 - Low prices are attracting Internet users to buy sneakers over the internet, but the products are counterfeit

07 / 04 / 2004 - Interpol calls on governments around the American world to fight more aggressively against counterfeiting

06 / 04 / 2004 - American who sent unsolicited commercial messages over the internet was sentenced to seven years in prison in the USA for theft and forgery of electronic identities

02 / 04 / 2004 - Itálica health plan, which operates in São Paulo, is committed to redoing fraudulent tests by its accredited laboratories