The winners of the 4th Piracy Combat Award
After announcing winners, the Ministry of Justice announced the opening of registrations for the 5th edition
The best actions to combat piracy in Brazil in 2014 were included in the 4th edition of the National Piracy Combat Award (PNCP). The award is an initiative of the National Council to Combat Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property (CNCP), an organ of the Ministry of Justice. ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics supports and acts as project manager. The objective is to identify projects by public and private entities that have stood out in the fight against crimes against intellectual property, especially piracy.
The award is divided into three areas: economic, educational and repressive. Each of these categories can have up to three winners, awarded with gold, silver and bronze prizes.
To decide the winners, the judges evaluate the submitted projects and give scores from 0 to 5 to a series of criteria, such as economic and social impacts, potential of the idea of serving as an example and innovation and creativity. An average of these grades is then made and the result indicates the projects contemplated in each of the categories.
In this edition, the winner of the economic axis was the Brazilian Association of Software Companies, for the initiative Legal Entrepreneur; in the educational area, it won the American Chamber of Commerce for Brazil, with the Escola Legal project; the repressive axis was highlighted by the Federal Highway Police, for the actions of the Thematic Operation to Combat Crimes Against Tax Authorities and Public Health. Among the winners, there are also public bodies, trade associations and even a football team, Corinthians. (See full list of winners below.)
Quality leap
The judges praised the projects presented this year for the quality achieved. “Compared to the previous edition, this year's actions have better planning and more effective coordination,” says Eunice Carvalhido, attorney for the Federal District and one of the judges of the award. "Perhaps it is a consequence of the learning acquired from previous actions and the observation of what has been working."
The awards were delivered on September 11, in the city of Blumenau, Santa Catarina. On the same date, the opening of registrations for the 5th edition of the Award was announced, which should be delivered in 2016. “The PNCP is an important award, as it stimulates creativity and research”, says Eunice.
To learn more about the project and applications, click here.