PF of Cascavel intercepts train of cigarettes


Source: The State of Paraná - Curitiba / PR - 23/12/2010

In a new crackdown on cigarette smuggling in their area, federal police from the Cascavel police station intercepted a convoy made up of four vehicles, fully loaded with Paraguayan cigarettes, yesterday at the entrance to the city of Vera Cruz do Oeste. , totaling approximately 160 boxes.

Four men were arrested, all residing in Foz do Iguaçu, each driving one of the seized cars: two Fiat Doblô, a pallio weekend and a vectra. The detainees: VS, 36, MOFH, 19, HFSS, 18 and MR, 33 , stated that they started their journey by train in the city of Foz and would take their cigarette loads to Faxinal.

After the act of smuggling was smuggled, the prisoners were sent to the public jail in Matelândia and the vehicles to the Federal Revenue warehouse in the city of Cascavel.