Revenue will reinforce oversight of orders from abroad
Wellton Max - Reporter from Agência Brasil
By the end of the year, the Federal Revenue intends to reinforce the inspection of orders that arrive from abroad, said today (24) the agency's undersecretary for Customs and International Relations, Ernani Checcucci. According to him, the IRS is working with the Post Office to set up a joint control and monitoring system.
“The IRS has completed its part [in the elaboration of the system]. At the Post Office, the remittance system should be ready by the end of the year ”, informed Checcucci. According to the undersecretary, even without the joint system being completed, the number of inspections of international postal parcels is increasing.
From January to June, the Revenue inspected 16,5 million postal remittances that arrived from abroad by the Post Office, growth of 54,3% in relation to the 10,7 million packages processed in the same period last year. The amount collected with the payment of taxes, however, fell 9,8%, from R $ 130,7 million in the first six months of 2014 to R $ 117,9 million in the same period this year.
For Checcucci, part of the fall is due to the rise in the dollar, which caused imports to fall. He, however, believes that most of the drop was caused by traders who take advantage of the $ 50 exemption limit to split orders.
"The IRS is using intelligence to identify abuses and curb the fractioning of goods, but we believe that a change in legislation is necessary to change the limit on order exemption," said the undersecretary. According to him, the performance of inspections of orders sent by private carriers indicates a mismatch.
Regarding the inspection of orders that do not pass through the Post Office and are sent by express transport companies, the number of inspected declarations (in import and export) fell from 2,503 million in the first half of 2014 to 2,419 million in the same months of 2015, fall of 3,3%. The amount collected, however, increased from R $ 146,4 million to R $ 154,9 million, an increase of 5,7%.
Edição: Aetius Beloved
Source: Home .