Anti-corruption law is amended to facilitate agreements
The Federal Government published in the Official Gazette of 21/12/2015, Provisional Measure 703, which amends Law 12.846 / 2013, which legally and civilly liable legal entities for the practice of acts harmful to the public administration. MP 703 aims to facilitate the so-called leniency agreement. Among the changes in the Law, the MP… Read more Anti-corruption law is amended to facilitate agreements
Business integrity and ethics
The Brazilian Global Compact Network launched the “Caderno do Pacto - Anticorrupção”. The objective is to share the actions of the Pact to support companies in adopting and maintaining compliance and anti-corruption systems. For the head of Anti-Corruption and Transparency at the UN Global Compact, Olajobi Makinwa, corruption is the misuse of a… Read more Business integrity and ethics
Anti-Corruption Law is the subject of a book launched by ETCO
The constant corruption scandals that have been reported in Brazil recently can make many people think that crime is winning the war against ethics. But greater disclosure may in fact represent the opposite: the real confrontation of this problem that corrodes the nation. This is the thesis that prevails in… Read more Anti-Corruption Law is the subject of a book launched by ETCO
Conference rewards companies approved in Pró-Ética 2015 and debates Anti-Corruption Law
CGU event was supported by ETCO and discussed topics such as compliance and business integrity The Federal Comptroller General (CGU), with support from ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition, held the 9nd Conference, in Rio de Janeiro, on November 2 Clean Company Law. The event discussed issues related to the Anti-Corruption Law (Law 12.846 / 2013) and also awarded the… Read more Conference rewards companies approved in Pró-Ética 2015 and debates Anti-Corruption Law
Lack of specific legislation prevents strict punishment
The Brazilian legal system is going through a phase of reformulation of its set of laws, with more specific rules, which typify certain forms of crime. It is, for example, what can be observed in Law 12.486 / 2013, known as the Anti-Corruption Law, which has a total focus on administrative and civil liability of companies that perform acts… Read more Lack of specific legislation prevents strict punishment
Participation of the Public Ministry in leniency agreements goes to the Chamber
The Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJ) approved, this Wednesday (4), in a supplementary shift, a proposal that foresees the participation of the Public Ministry, from the beginning, in leniency agreements signed by public agencies with companies responsible for practice of illegal acts in order to mitigate administrative sanctions. This type of agreement is foreseen in… Read more Participation of the Public Ministry in leniency agreements goes to the Chamber
Anti-Corruption Law cannot trample constitutional public freedoms
Vehicle: Revista Consultor Jurídico Author (s): Hamilton Dias de Souza It is easy to see that the country's moment is delicate. Just read the newspapers or chat informally with anyone. Economic problems exist, as shown by the devaluation of the real, the increase in unemployment, low productivity and the commented loss of investment grade… Read more Anti-Corruption Law cannot trample constitutional public freedoms