ETCO in the media

ETCO is one of the sponsors of the 2017 Yearbook of Justice

Credit: Renato Alves
Credit: Renato Alves

Ministers of the Supreme Federal Court and of the higher courts, representatives of the law, the Public Ministry and the Federal Police attended the launching ceremony of the 2017 edition of the Yearbook of Justice Brazil. More than 300 guests were in the foyer of the Superior Electoral Court, in Brasília, last Wednesday (31/5).

According to Minister Gilmar Mendes, President of the TSE and Minister of the STF, the Yearbook stands out “for the care and quality in providing data and information about the Brazilian judiciary”. “The retrospective and meticulous look that the Yearbook provides us with on the work of the justice system is like a mirror to reveal our political-institutional reality, bringing to reflection questions that are essential for understanding the time we live in.”

The 11th edition of the Yearbook of Justice Brazil analyzes the performance of the Judiciary in times of political and economic crisis in the country. And it also brings research on the understanding of ministers on controversial and high-profile issues such as the execution of prison sentences before res judicata, on the charging of copyright for songs played on the internet, on the prevalence of the negotiated over the legislated in labor issues.

The publication also includes the ranking of unconstitutionality, a survey of laws removed from the legal system, by the Supreme Federal Court in 2016, for disrespect to the Federal Constitution.

The Yearbook of Justice Brazil 2017 is a radiograph of the summit of the Brazilian Judiciary, showing who the actors of the judicial scene are and how they work. Read the profiles of the 93 ministers who are members of the Supreme Federal Court, the Superior Court of Justice, the Superior Labor Court, the Superior Electoral Court and the Superior Military Court. Also find out how the trial sections and classes of these courts work. The jurisprudence of the courts is presented and analyzed in the summary of the main decisions handed down.

The Yearbook of Justice Brazil is a publication of the electronic magazine Consultor Jurídico, with support from the Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP).