Public Hearing (Anvisa)
On May 29, another important step was taken towards the implementation of the expected National Medicines Control System, with a public hearing at the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) to discuss the traceability model to be adopted in the country.
Among representatives of drug laboratories, sector entities and members of security and technology companies, the audience was attended by 150 participants, who were able to discuss and opine on the traceability model proposed by the working group formed by various government sectors . Issues such as the database model to be used and the time for companies to adapt to the rules, which are yet to be published, were widely discussed.
As informed by the Chief Executive Officer of Anvisa, Dirceu Barbano, entities in the medication sector should be called for further talks to align proposals. The ideas will be analyzed with the perspective that traceability will achieve the objective of providing more security to the population. After the closing of the final text, it will be discussed in a public meeting of the agency's directors. "Anvisa's commitment is that the system will be available in the shortest possible time for the entire Brazilian population," said Barbano.
In the period when it was available for public consultation, the proposal received around 600 contributions sent by 90 institutions and individuals. Traceability assumes that all drug packaging in Brazil has a unique identification, capable of allowing the user to know if the product is original and if it has legal origin. The measure, among other advantages, will help in combating cargo theft and will allow identifying who manufactured the product, who sold it, who dispatched it and when it arrived at the distributor and pharmacies.
“Undoubtedly, the honest and legal drug industry is affected, and the government loses revenue that could be used to improve services for the population. But the case of medicines brings up a bigger problem, a problem of public health, of life, of citizenship. Brazil cannot and should not continue to run this risk ”, says ETCO's Executive President, Roberto Abdenur, who was in Brasília to accompany the public hearing. Abdenur and the CEO of Anvisa also mentioned the relevant role that ETCO had, years ago, in launching the traceability initiative.
(with information from Press / Anvisa)