ETCO Informs

ETCO ends 10 + 10 Debate Cycle in São Paulo

After Rio de Janeiro and Brasília, debate on competitive ethics brought together experts at FIESP, in São Paulo

A debate attended by important personalities from the Brazilian political and business scene guided the third stage of the 10 + 10 Debate Cycle, held by ETCO on October 16 in São Paulo. With the participation of the Secretary of Finance of the State of São Paulo, Andrea Calabi, and the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic Odim Brandão Ferreira, the event, which is part of the celebration of the 10 years of ETCO's performance, was held at the headquarters of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP).

Once again, as happened at the Brasília event, held in August, popular dissatisfaction with corruption and the poor quality of public services was put on the table and analyzed by the panelists in the light of the importance of a new way of thinking about relations in society. "Today, we are convinced that the country has evolved more than society itself perceives and that, precisely as a result of this evolution, more and more steps forward need to be taken", declared ETCO's Executive President, Roberto Abdenur, who once more coordinated the debate.

In addition to Calabi and Ferreira, the panel was formed by the Director of Instituto Análise, Alberto Carlos Almeida, and by the Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Tax Law at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, professor Eurico Marcos Diniz De Santi, who also participated in the previous stages of the Cycle Debates, in Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia.

Talking about the popular demonstrations that took place in June, Alberto Carlos Almeida stated that the great legacy of the demonstrations in June was "breaking the ice" and showing that the general feeling is that the population feels exploited.

Almeida also pointed out that there is a link between the demands of the population, the themes worked by ETCO and the role of the State at the present time. “Combating corruption, tax reform, improvement in public services, these are all topics that we have discussed and are part of ETCO's agenda, but it is important to understand that those who go to the streets do not know the state management process and it is up to the managers make the filter and define what is feasible and how to do it ”.

Professor De Santi, who discussed Brazilian tax legislation, reinforced his thesis that legality is in the acts of law enforcement, that is, in its concrete application. “There is no point in making tax reform if we do not change the culture of administering the laws. It takes transparency so that the rules are understood by everyone, ”said De Santi.

In his presentation, the Secretary of Finance of the State of São Paulo, Andrea Calabi, focused on the issue of tax evasion, recalling the importance of tax collection to make quality public services feasible for the population. He recalled the important advances obtained with the implementation of increasingly efficient mechanisms to combat tax evasion and support inspection. “Since the creation of the Electronic Invoice, in which ETCO has a fundamental role, there has been a great advance in the mechanisms to combat tax evasion, as is the case with the tax intelligence systems and the most recent tool, the recipient's manifestation”. For him, much remains to be done in this area to avoid losses in revenue, but he admits that “the country has already made great strides in establishing a more balanced business environment”.

The Deputy Attorney General of the Republic Odim Brandão Ferreira recalled the relevance of the discussion in the sense of “reinforcing the idea that old prejudices that prevent equality in the treatment of Brazilians are overcome”.

At the end of the debate, Roberto Abdenur stated that "we left these sections with an even greater conviction that what we are doing at ETCO is competitive ethics in the service of universal ethics in Brazil".

Debate Cycle 10 + 10, São Paulo

The Brazilian Institute of Competitive Ethics (ETCO) closed on October 16 the Cycle of Debates 10 + 10 - Retrospective of Competitive Ethics in Brazil and Perspectives for the Next Decade. The third stage of the event, which took place in June in Rio de Janeiro and in August in Brasília, took place at the headquarters of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp).

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On October 16, ETCO holds the third and final stage of the 10 + 10 Debate Cycle, in São Paulo

The Brazilian Institute of Competitive Ethics (ETCO) will close on October 16 the Debate Cycle 10 + 10 - Retrospective of Competitive Ethics in Brazil and Perspectives for the Next Decade. The third stage of the event, which took place in June in Rio de Janeiro and in August in Brasília, will take place at the headquarters of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp).

The event is part of the celebrations of ETCO's 10 years in the defense of competitive ethics in the country and will promote a reflection on the advances already achieved and the paths that still need to be followed in the direction of best practices in competitive ethics.

Among the debaters of this stage are the State Secretary of Finance of the Government of São Paulo, Andrea Calabi, and the Deputy Attorney General of the Republic, Rodrigo Janot. In addition to the guests, the board of directors is formed by the Executive President of ETCO, Roberto Abdenur, by the Director of Instituto Análise, Alberto Carlos Almeida, and by the Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Tax Law at Fundação Getulio Vargas, professor Eurico Marcos Diniz de Santi.

For the events, ETCO has a partnership with the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan), the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp).

Certificates of participation will be provided upon request.

Debate Cycle 10 + 10 - São Paulo Stage
Data: October 16, 2013
Working Hours: 8:30 am to 13:XNUMX pm
Location: Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp)
Address: Avenida Paulista, 1.313, 4th floor, São Paulo (SP)

Registration is free and places are limited. To participate, send email to or call (11) 3814-0414.

Debate Cycle 10 + 10 - Retrospective of Competition Ethics in Brazil and Perspectives for the Next Decade

On October 16, ETCO holds the third and final stage of the 10 + 10 Debate Cycle, in São Paulo

The Brazilian Institute of Competitive Ethics (ETCO) will close on October 16 the Debate Cycle 10 + 10 - Retrospective of Competition Ethics in Brazil and Perspectives for the Next Decade. The third stage of the event, which took place in June in Rio de Janeiro and in August in Brasília, will take place at the headquarters of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp).

The event is part of the celebrations of ETCO's 10 years in the defense of competitive ethics in the country and will promote a reflection on the advances already achieved and the paths that still need to be followed in the direction of best practices in competitive ethics.

Among the debaters of this stage are the State Finance Secretary of the Government of São Paulo, Andrea Calabi, and the Attorney General of the Republic, Rodrigo Janot.

In addition to the guests, the board of directors is formed by the Executive President of ETCO, Roberto Abdenur, by the Director of Instituto Análise, Alberto Carlos Almeida, and by the Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Tax Law at Fundação Getulio Vargas, professor Eurico Marcos Diniz de Santi .

For the events, ETCO has a partnership with the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan), the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp).


Debate Cycle 10 + 10 - São Paulo Stage
Data: October 16, 2013
Working Hours: 8:30 am to 13:XNUMX pm
Location: Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp)
Address: Avenida Paulista, 1.313, 4th floor, São Paulo (SP)

Registration is free and places are limited. To participate, send email to or call (11) 3814-0414.

Popular demonstrations are highlighted in the second stage of the 10 + 10 Debate Cycle

In Brasilia, participants showed the importance of ETCO in the search for a more just society

The second stage of the 10 + 10 Debate Cycle, promoted by ETCO in Brasília on August 21, was marked by the perception that Brazilians are increasingly calling for a more ethical and corruption-free country. Event participants concluded that important changes are taking place because of popular dissatisfaction with corruption and the poor quality of public services. Another consensus was the importance of ETCO as a representative of civil society, in the search for more justice and ethics in society and in business.

With the participation of the Secretary of State for Planning and Budget of the Federal District, Luiz Paulo Barreto, and the Chief Minister of the Comptroller General of the Union, Jorge Hage, the event, which is part of the celebration of the 10 years of ETCO's performance, was held at the headquarters of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI).

In addition to them, the table was formed by the Executive President of ETCO, Roberto Abdenur, by the Director of Instituto Análise, Alberto Carlos Almeida, and by the Coordinator of the specialization course in tax law at Fundação Getulio Vargas, professor Eurico Marcos Diniz De Santi, who also participated in the Carioca stage of the Debate Cycle, in June, and will be present in São Paulo, in October, when the series closing debate will be held.

At the opening of the work, Abdenur stated that "there is a perception that ETCO plays an important role in the defense of causes that today reflect the desires of Brazilian society".

For Alberto Carlos Almeida, this perception reveals the great harmony between the performance of ETCO and the demand of society, which, according to him, is undergoing great transformation. "The Brazilian State is no longer able to follow the demands of society and, although the agenda (of the demonstrations) is diffuse, it is clear that there is nothing to disarm a movement like this, and a range of measures is needed to satisfy these demands", stated.

Almeida pointed out that popular demonstrations occur at a time of improvement in the economy and in the population's living conditions. "Brazilian society has been going through a process of mentality change due to the growth of the new middle class and the raising of the educational level, a process not accompanied by the political system", he summarized.

Professor De Santi believes that popular demonstrations coincide with a time when new forms of communication are emerging. "In the networked society, the strongest power is communication, not repression or weapons."

When talking about tax legislation and the taxpayers' difficulties in understanding it, De Santi stated that it is necessary to increase the flow of information between the Tax Authorities and the taxpayer, as a way of increasing transparency. "Legality is not in the law, but in its concrete application," he said.

On this topic, ETCO's Executive President, Roberto Abdenur, also cited data showing that, in Brazil, companies take about 2.600 hours a year to pay taxes, which requires dozens of employees working specifically on this issue. "In the meantime, in other countries, two or three people do everything."

CGU Chief Minister Jorge Hage celebrated the fact that the institution, like ETCO, is celebrating its first 10 years of life. For him, increasing transparency is the best antidote against corruption. Among the measures adopted that helped fight corruption in this first decade of the CGU, he highlighted the creation of the Transparency Portal and the Access to Information Law.

When addressing the Anti-Corruption Law, recently signed by President Dilma, the minister stated that "the impact on public administration can be compared to that of the Access to Information Law". And he recalled that the law can contribute to the beginning of a cultural transformation in Brazil.

Secretary Luiz Paulo Barreto stated that Brazil currently requires transparency in all segments. “Society has discovered that it is she who pays the bill,” said Barreto, referring to national outrage over corruption and the poor efficiency of public services. "In the next ten years, ETCO will have a centralizing role, which may contribute to the intermediation between government, companies and civil society," he said.

The third and final stage of the 10 + 10 Debate Cycle will be held in São Paulo, on October 16, at the headquarters of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp). In addition to ETCO's Executive President, Roberto Abdenur, Professor Eurico Marcos Diniz De Santi and Sociologist Alberto Carlos Almeida, the event should count on the participation of the São Paulo State Finance Secretary, Andrea Calabi, and the Attorney General of the Republic, Rodrigo Janot.

ETCO holds in Brasilia the second stage of the 10 + 10 Debate Cycle

The popular appeal for a better and corruption-free country was one of the highlights of the event, which is part of the celebration of the ten years of ETCO

Brazilians' dissatisfaction with corruption and the poor quality of public services, such as transportation, health and education, took the population to the streets and a series of relevant changes, such as the approval of laws against corruption and impunity, concluded the participants of the second stage of the Cycle of Debates 10 + 10, promoted by ETCO in Brasília, on August 21st.

The event, which was part of the celebration of ETCO's 10 years in the defense of competitive ethics in the country, was held at the headquarters of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and was attended by the Secretary of State for Planning and Budget of the District Federal, Luiz Paulo Barreto, and the Minister of State Chief of the Comptroller General of the Union, Jorge Hage.

In addition to the guests, the board was formed by the Executive President of ETCO, Roberto Abdenur, by the director of Instituto Análise, Alberto Carlos Almeida, and by the coordinator of the Specialization Course in Tax Law at Fundação Getulio Vargas, professor Eurico Marcos Diniz de Santi.

Watch the video:
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Brasília receives the 2nd stage of the 10 + 10 Debate Cycle, on August 21

Continuing the celebrations of its 10 years of activity in the defense of competitive ethics in the country, the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition (ETCO) will hold in Brasilia, on August 21, from 8:30 am to 13:XNUMX pm, the second stage of the Debate Cycle 10 + 10 - Retrospective of Competition Ethics in Brazil and Perspectives for the Next Decade.

On June 6, Rio de Janeiro already received the first stage of the debate cycle, which will also pass through São Paulo in October.

The meeting, which will be held at the headquarters of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), will promote a reflection on the advances already achieved and the paths that still need to be followed in the direction of best practices in competitive ethics. Among the debaters of this stage are the Secretary of State for Planning of the Government of the Federal District, Luiz Paulo Barreto; the Minister of State Chief of the Comptroller General of the Union, Jorge Hage; and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Gerdau Group, Jorge Gerdau Johannpeter.

In addition to the guests, the board of directors, who also participated in the debate in Rio de Janeiro and will be present in São Paulo, is formed by the Executive President of ETCO, Roberto Abdenur, by the Director of the Analysis Institute, Alberto Carlos Almeida, and by the Course Coordinator Specialization in Tax Law at Fundação Getulio Vargas, professor Eurico Marcos Diniz de Santi.

For the events, ETCO has a partnership with the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Firjan), the National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (Fiesp).

Registration is free and places are limited. To participate, send email to or call (11) 3814-0414.

More information and programming, click here.


Debate Cycle 10 + 10, Brasília Stage
Date: 21 August 2013
Hours: 8:30 am to 13 pm
Location: National Confederation of Industry (CNI)
Address: SBN - Quadra 01 - Bloco C - Ed. Roberto Simonsen, Brasília (DF)