
House discusses fuel crisis

The ministers of Mines and Energy, Wellington Franco and Finance, Eduardo Guardia, were invited to participate in the debate at the plenary session of the Chamber on the successive increases in fuel prices in the country. Representatives of Petrobras, distributors, service stations and sector specialists were also invited to discuss the matter.

ETCO President Edson Vismona, accompanying PLURAL member, was also present.

Rodrigo MaiaIn a message on social networks, the Mayor, Rodrigo Maia, maintained that, “in the short term, the federal government must evaluate the possibility of zeroing the Cide and decrease the PIS/Cofins”. And he added that “states can evaluate the same for the ICMS”. Last week, the Chamber approved tax exemption for diesel. According to Maia, these “are ideas of compensatory policies to face the current moment. And they are far from the price freeze we saw in the past ”.

The mayor also criticized Petrobras' pricing policy. “It is not correct to incorporate exchange rate variation into prices and to have a daily increase policy. Petrobras can, with freedom of price, make a policy of more predictability for society, with increases over longer periods ”, he suggested.

Deputy José Carlos Aleluia, who requested the debate, wants to expand the discussions and raise all possible causes for the current high prices.

“If the market has imperfect competition, if it has any link in the chain that is causing this growth and if there is an excess of taxes. Which seems obvious to me. There are states that charge 30% on diesel oil. There is so much tax on gasoline that parliamentarians certainly have to see how the issue can be dealt with, ”he said.



Edson Vismona delivered to the President of the Federal Senate, Eunício Oliveira, the manifestos "Taxation and Development" and "Security and Development", with proposals, respectively formulated by ETCO and by the Movement in Defense of the Brazilian Legal Market.

Source: Chamber of Deputies and ETCO