
Law with new penalties for smuggling advances in the Chamber

Bill that strengthens the fight against smuggling advances in the Chamber
Bill that strengthens the fight against smuggling advances in the Chamber

Bill 1530/15, which increases the rigor in combating the crime of smuggling, authored by federal deputy Efraim Filho (DEM / PB), advanced in the Chamber of Deputies. On July 9, he received a favorable opinion for approval by the Commission of Viação e Transportes (CVT) by the rapporteur, federal deputy José Stédile (PSB-RS).

The project establishes three new mechanisms to curb smuggling:

  • Suspension for five years of the driving license of anyone who is arrested driving a vehicle with contraband cargo.
  • Suspension for five years of CNPJ of companies convicted of transporting, distributing, storing or selling contraband products.
  • Cigarette and beverage outlets are required to affix a sign with the warning: “It is a crime to sell contraband cigarettes and drinks. Report it".

The next stage, scheduled to take place in August, after the parliamentary recess, is the deliberation of the matter at the CVT meeting. Then the project will be referred to the Industry and Commerce, Public Security and Constitution and Justice commissions. Having the approval in these instances, it will be sent to the Senate.

PL 1530/15 is one of the first initiatives of the Mixed Parliamentary Front to Combat Smuggling and Counterfeiting, instituted on May 14 with the aim of increasing the participation of the National Congress in combating these crimes. The Parliamentary Front has the support of ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition.