ETCO Informs

Counterfeit drugs will be investigated by the Federal Police

The Commission for Public Security and Combating Organized Crime approved a Bill (PL 4136/12) that institutes the National Policy to Combat Piracy of Products Submitted to Health Surveillance. According to the proposal, counterfeiting, corruption or adulteration of products intended for therapeutic or medicinal purposes will become crimes within the purview of the Federal Police. With this purpose, the project adds an item to the law that deals with the competences of the PF (Law 10.446 / 02).

The intention of the author of the proposal, Senator Humberto Costa (PT-PE), is to create a unified policy to combat piracy, to facilitate the work of the public agents involved in the matter. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), about a third of the medicines sold in Brazil are counterfeit. The commission's rapporteur, deputy Fernando Francischini (SD-PR), believes that the measure will inhibit the action of organized crime. "It is legislation that advances and closes the siege against criminal organizations that pirate products that threaten the safety of the population, including health."

Source: Snif Brasil (18/12)

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