
Letter to the president against piracy

Parliamentary Front sent document pointing out ways to tackle theft of intellectual property and encourage innovation in the country

The Mixed Parliamentary Front in Defense of Intellectual Property and Combating Piracy sent a letter to President Dilma Rousseff calling attention to the size of the problem, pointing out some of its causes, such as the lack of structure of the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), and presenting a list of measures that the country must take to combat it.

The Parliamentary Front was installed in May in the National Congress with the support of the ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition, the National Forum to Combat Piracy and twenty other entities. It has 206 deputies and 33 senators and is chaired by deputy Nelson Marchezan (PSDB-RS).

Know the main points of the letter:


What the Parliamentary Front asked the President

Reject legislative proposals that stimulate or have as a direct or indirect consequence the setback and deindustrialization of the Brazilian innovative and creative park.

Strengthen the INPI, ensuring the expansion and constant training of its staff.

Perfect the Innovation Law and eliminate obstacles that, through outdated tax regulations, restrict Brazilian access to the most relevant technologies and inhibit the competitiveness of national companies.

To secure that the proposed amendment to the Copyright Law validates the protection, development and strengthening of intellectual rights in the audiovisual, editorial, phonographic and cultural sectors.

Promote legislative updates that attract investments to Brazil and allow greater internationalization of Brazilian companies.

Reject legislative proposals that limit or expropriate the right to use trademarks.

Fight efficiently illegal practices related to the counterfeiting of rights, piracy and unfair competition and to strengthen control of our borders.