ETCO Agenda

III National Forum on Law and Infrastructure

O Brazilian Institute of Legal Studies on Infrastructure - IBEJIthrough the 3rd National Law and Infrastructure Forum, precisely intends to reflect the main sources of legal insecurity in the different branches of the national infrastructure and, at the same time, the ways to remedy them.
Like previous editions, we will bring together, in a context of absolute pluralism, dialogue and tolerance, important authorities, jurists, economists, politicians and business representatives to, in the last analysis, think about solutions for the Brazil.

Date: November 25th and 26th
Hours: 8:30 am to 18 pm
Location: Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association | SAUS
Quadra 5 - Lote 1 - Bloco M, Asa Sul - Brasília - DF

For more information, click here.

IBEJI discusses fighting corruption

The Brazilian Institute of Legal Studies on Infrastructure (IBEJI) will hold, on August 28, the seminar “Combating corruption: an interdisciplinary view”. The event has the support of ETCO and the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB).

Among the speakers, will be important lawyers and ministers from the federal courts.

Date: 28 / 08 / 2015

Time: from 9h to 16h

Venue: Rua Itambé, 143 - Auditorio Benedicto Novaes Garcez
Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Sao Paulo

Free registration by email:

For more information visit:

Seminar: TCU's role in fighting corruption and the legal consequences of the Anti-Corruption Law

Production: IBEJI - Brazilian Institute of Legal Studies on Infrastructure

Confirmed presence: Hon. Mr. Bruno Dantas, Minister of the Federal Court of Accounts

Data: 17 / 04 / 2015

Working Hours: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Location: Mackenzie University (Rua da Consolação, 896 - Mezzanine, São Paulo - SP)

Registration by email: