Since June last year, 17 Finance Departments have already counted on the Business Intelligence of the Electronic Invoice (NF-e BI), an intelligent platform that allows greater control and predictability of possible foreign exchange evasion points, as reinforcement in the fight against tax evasion. by state governments. Developed by Microsoft, based on a partnership between ETCO and the Bahia Finance Secretariat (SEFAZ-BA), the tool was designed so that it can be used by any unit of the Federation.
The availability of the technical and functional specification documentation necessary for the implementation of the NF-e BI for 16 Secretariats of Finance, during 2011, crowned the success of the project, started in September 2009, with the signing of the Cooperation Term between ETCO and the Government of the State of Bahia. Designed to work in any state, the tool aims to equip the inspection of the purchase and sale of goods using electronic invoices, reinforcing the fight against tax evasion and contributing to the increase in the collection of the Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Installments Services (ICMS).
In addition to Bahia, which was a pioneer in the implementation and testing of the system, other states already have the NF-e BI. They are: Acre, Amazonas, Goiás, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Maranhão, Paraíba, Paraná, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Rondônia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Sergipe, in addition to the Federal District.
“If in 2011 the focus of the work was on the distribution of documentation among the States, in 2012 efforts began to be directed towards the implementation and effective use of the tool”, predicts Roberto Abdenur, ETCO's executive president, who believes in the effectiveness of the NF -e BI to reduce tax evasion and improve the business environment in the country.
The deadline for the system to work completely depends on the adaptation work of the States, since it is the responsibility of each one to install the application. In addition, it is also up to them to integrate with the database, connect the system to the Electronic Invoice database and the respective taxpayer register, which each secretariat already has. “Once these steps are completed, the system starts operating in the same way as it has been in Bahia, as it has already been designed so that it can be used by any unit of the Federation”, explains Jadson Oliveira, manager of Tax Automation at SEFAZ-BA.