
Repatriation of resources opens extensive agenda in Plenary on Tuesday

Senators enter the last week before the parliamentary recess with a Plenary agenda that promises long debates, whether due to the complexity of the issues or the political importance. Already aware of this, President Renan Calheiros announced that the deliberative session on Tuesday (15) will have early votes to 14 pm. Before that, at 11 am, a meeting of leaders is scheduled, from which changes can come out in the list of projects to be analyzed.

One of the propositions that most interest the government is the second item on the agenda. This is the House Bill (PLC) 186/2015, on the repatriation of funds held abroad that have not been declared to the IRS.

The text was approved on December 2 by the Special Committee on National Development and received a favorable opinion from the rapporteur, Walter Pinheiro (PT-BA). The collegiate also approved the urgency request for the Plenary vote.

According to the proposal, Brazilians and foreigners residing in the country will be able to declare all lawful assets held outside Brazil, or already repatriated, but not yet declared, existing until December 31, 2014.

Senator Walter Pinheiro proposes that part of the funds raised from repatriation go to the National Regional Development Fund (FNDR) and, for that, he presented a proposal to amend the Constitution (PEC 154 / 2015), which is also on the agenda for this Tuesday (15th).

PEC also creates a compensatory fund for the states, with a duration of eight years, aiming at the unification of the rates of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS).

Source: Agência Senado (9/12)

Special calendar for PEC approved that creates funds against regional inequalities

The Senate Plenary approved on Wednesday (9) a special calendar request for the processing of the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) 154/2015, which creates the National Regional Development Fund. The proposal, by Senator Walter Pinheiro (PT-BA), destines part of what is collected with the repatriation of resources for the creation of the fund.

The PEC also creates a compensatory fund for the states, with a duration of eight years, aiming at the unification of the rates of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS).

Repatriation of resources

The matter should be included in the agenda for the deliberative session next Tuesday (15) and be considered in the agenda that also provides for the vote on the project that regulates the return of funds held abroad that have not been declared to the Federal Revenue (PLC 186 / 2015).

The repatriation project is of constitutional urgency and its approval must guarantee the necessary resources for the constitution of the funds.

Source: Agência Senado (9/12)