
Seminar brings together elite of Justice to discuss Anti-Corruption Law

Congress Anti-Corruption Law

Event sponsored by ETCO will have lectures by ministers and former ministers of the STF, the president of the TSE and other authorities

The new anti-corruption laws have generated several debates on the subject. But few should equal in prestige and importance to the seminar that the International Academy of Law and Economics (AIDE) will hold on September 18, in São Paulo.

The event will have the participation of two ministers and a former minister of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), the president of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), the minister of the Attorney General's Office, the president of the TJ-SP, in addition to jurists , academics and other renowned experts. The coordinators are lawyer Ives Gandra Martins, president of honor, and Ney Prado, executive president of AIDE.

The seminar will address the issues that generate the most doubts in the business world, in government and in politics, including the strict liability of the legal entity, the awarded complaint and donations to parties.

The ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition is a sponsor of the event.

Registration is free and can be done at this address.


Check the schedule

Date: 18 September 2015

Location: Fecomercio - Rua Doutor Plínio Barreto, 285, São Paulo (SP)


9h Aula Magna - Political and Administrative Challenges of the Application of the Anti-Corruption LawLecturer: Modesto Carvalhosa (Jurist and Professor)
9h30 The Objective, Administrative and Civil Liability of Legal Entities for the Practice of the Anti-Corruption LawChairman of the Meeting: Ney Prado (President of the International Academy of Law and Economics) Speakers: Gilmar Mendes (Minister of the Supreme Federal Court and Academic) Luiz Adams (Minister of the Attorney General of the Union) Américo Lacombe (President of the Public Ethics Committee of the Presidency of the Republic) 
11h Classification of Acts Harmful to National and Foreign Public Administration in the Anti-Corruption LawPresident of the Meeting: José Renato Nalini (President of the São Paulo Court of Justice and Academic) Speakers: Ives Gandra Martins (President of honor of AIDE and of the Superior Council of Fecomércio) Gilson Langaro Dipp (former Minister of the Superior Court of Justice) Adilson Dallari (Administrative Lawyer) 
14h Determination of the Liability of the Legal Entity and the respective Sanctions at the Administrative LevelChairman of the Meeting: Bernardo Cabral (Lawyer and Academic) Speakers: Diogo de Figueiredo Moreira Neto (Lawyer, Doctor in Administrative and Academic Law) Fabio Medina Osório (Professor in Administrative Law) Cid Heráclito de Queiroz (former Attorney General of the National Treasury ) 
15h Determination of the Liability of Legal Entities and the respective Sanctions in the Judicial SphereChairman of the Meeting: Ivette Senise Ferreira (Jurist and Vice President of OAB / SP) Speakers: Nelson Jobim (former Minister of the Supreme Federal Court and Academic) Fausto Martin De Sanctis (Federal Judge) Hamilton Dias de Souza (Lawyer and Academic) 
16h Leniency Agreement - Requirements, Effects, Limits and CompetenceChairman of the Meeting: Samantha Ribeiro Meyer Pflug Marquês (PhD in Law) Speakers: Paulo Rabello de Castro (Economist and Academic) Edson Fabio Garutti Moreira (Delegate of the Federal Police) Antonio Claudio Mariz de Oliveira (Criminal lawyer) 
17h Legal Entities and Party Financing in Election CampaignsChairman of the Board: Abram Szajman (President of Fecomércio SP) Speaker: José Antônio Dias Toffoli (Minister of the Supreme Court and President of the Superior Electoral Court)