ETCO Event

ETCO holds event on information theft

The Center for Responsible Entrepreneurship and Commerce (, based in the United States, works to disseminate knowledge on topics such as preventing corruption and theft of information from companies. In Brazil, it maintains a partnership with ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics.

In May, the president of, Pamela Passman, was in Brazil and gave a lecture at ETCO's headquarters in São Paulo. The theme of the event was Cyber ​​Theft. For two hours, she talked about threats to intellectual property and corporate data and showed ways to reduce risk.

In the audience were ETCO partners and interested in general, as the lawyer Rafael Mott Farah, who works in the area. "The lecture helped me to understand how data theft happens," he said. "It is very good to have this type of content brought by ETCO."

Webinar discusses compliance

CREATE LOGONew laws in several countries and increased enforcement have led many companies to take steps to prevent acts of corruption. How do these companies manage to reduce the risks of corruption? To discuss the issue and answer that question, has scheduled a webinar, or webinar, to be conducted by experts Leslie Benson and Craig Moss. The main points to be addressed at the Companies and Corruption seminar: Risks, Rules and Responsibilities will be: how global anti-corruption actions can affect your company; the measures that your company can take; cases of application of compliance programs; the risks that companies run and some ways of engaging partners and subsidiaries. Those interested in attending the seminar can now register via the website.

Data: March 13, 2015 - 11 am to noon (Brasília time)

Link to registration: