Farm does operation in SP against irregular circulation of goods

Agents check documents for products such as fuels and cigarettes.
Inspection posts were set up in several neighborhoods in São Paulo.

On Wednesday (16), inspectors from the Secretariat of Finance take action against the irregular circulation of goods in 37 cities in the state of São Paulo. In Operation Pente Fino, agents will inspect cargo transport trucks, especially in the sectors of fuels, solvents, medicines, beverages and cigarettes, with a focus on product documentation.

In the capital, teams work at inspection posts in the neighborhoods of Brás, Mooca, Bom Retiro, Ipiranga, Interlagos, Butantã, Santo Amaro and Pinheiros. Inland, there will be 40 barriers mounted on state roads.

At Rua Santa Rosa, in São Paulo, agents stop the trucks and check whether the cargo shown on the invoice corresponds to the item shown. The inspectors also check if the ICMS tax, the tax on the circulation of goods and services, is being collected.

The company responsible for cargo with irregular documentation may be fined and the goods seized. The IRS will be called if the agents identify smuggled products.

The Finance Secretariat said it should release a balance sheet for the operation later this afternoon.

Source: (16/03)

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