
Experts discuss new IP system for computers

Anatel guarantees that IP sharing will only be done during the transition to the new system, and that it is possible to identify those investigated in cyber crimes

The Social Communication Council discussed on Monday (7) the update of the IP system on the Brazilian Internet. In June last year, the system used to designate IP addresses (Ipv4) in Brazil was exhausted due to the more intense use of the Internet, mainly in mobile telephony. Since then, the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), the Internet Steering Committee and telecommunications operators have discussed how to transition to a new system (Ipv6) with an almost unlimited number, because each device connected to the Internet must have a number IP address.

Alex Ferreira / Chamber of Deputies
Seminar “Transition from IPv4 to IPv6: access, privacy and deterrence”

Until the transition to the new system occurs, Anatel authorized the sharing of IP numbers, that is, a group of users simultaneously using the same system address. This sharing was severely criticized by the Public Ministry in the CPI of the Chamber that investigates cyber crimes for making it difficult to identify computers and investigated users.

The representative of Anatel who spoke on Monday (7) to the Social Communication Council, Rodrigo Zerbone, pointed out that IP sharing is temporary, only during the transition to the new system, and that it is possible for the authorities to identify those investigated. in cyber crimes.

“Although there are 4 people sharing this IP address, there are other technical elements that can identify that person, that device, that specific terminal. This is being used by public security agencies to be able to identify perpetrators of crimes and other illicit acts. There are elements for identification, this obviously makes it a little more complex, but we have to deal with this, because the number of IPvXNUMX addresses, which is the old version, has already been exhausted; so we have to work with sharing inexorably ”

Anatel has already published an ordinance with rules for certification of equipment that meet the two IP systems and establishes deadlines for the exchange to be made by telecommunications operators.

Vice-president of the Social Communication Council, Ronaldo Lemos wants to expand the discussion on the topic. “This is a topic that cannot be analyzed only in the criminal aspect. As this seminar made clear, this is a topic that has to do with digital inclusion, with entrepreneurship, with access to information. Other dimensions need to be included in the debate. It runs the risk, for example, of generating exorbitant costs especially for small providers, for small sites that are not the world's providers, which are stronger than small ones ”.

All agents working on the Internet - users, connection and content providers, the government itself and the legislature - will have to update the IP system.

Source: Agência Câmara de Notícias (7/12)

New trends in the fight against electronic crimes

From left to right: Lucimara Desiderá, security analyst at; Luiz Filipe Couto, information security specialist and CEO of Jeenga; Renato Leite Monteiro, professor of digital law at Mackenzie; Thiago Tavares Nunes de Oliveira, President of SaferNet Brasil and Principal Member of; Vanessa Fonseca, Director of Microsoft's Digital Crime Fighting Area and Edgar D'Andrea, partner at PwC Brasil and specialist in Cyber ​​Security
From left to right: Lucimara Desiderá (; Luiz Filipe Couto (Jeenga); Renato Leite Monteiro (Mackenzie); Thiago Tavares Nunes de Oliveira (SaferNet Brasil); Vanessa Fonseca (Microsoft) and Edgar D'Andrea (PwC Brasil)

Subject was the theme of FecomercioSP Congress, with support from ETCO

The internet has brought many benefits to citizens, governments and businesses. But many risks too, which require more care on the part of everyone. People, for example, must be more careful when disclosing their personal data on the network; governments need to create and improve legislation and enforcement; companies have to improve security policies to protect their intellectual property and their customers' data.

These were some of the main issues discussed at the VII Congress on Electronic Crimes and Forms of Protection, promoted by the Federation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism of the State of São Paulo (FecomercioSP). The event, held on August 18 and 19, at the headquarters of FecomercioSP, in São Paulo, featured lectures by some of the country's leading internet experts, authorities and representatives of internet security companies. The congress brought together 800 people and was supported by ETCO-Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition.

One of the most debated topics was the protection of personal data made available on the internet. Demi Getschko, president of Ponto BR's Information Center, an entity that contributes to Internet regulation in the country, and Ronaldo Lemos, director of the Rio de Janeiro Institute of Technology and Society, highlighted the importance of creating the Data Protection Law Personal. The draft, which establishes rules on what companies can and cannot do with their customers' information, is currently under public consultation. Through the Internet (at this address) it is possible to read the basic text and make suggestions that could be incorporated into the Bill.


The importance of joining forces

An opinion shared by several speakers is that the fight against digital crimes requires the cooperation of several institutions. As Ronaldo Lemos recalled, many illicit acts are performed by people or sites located outside the country, therefore, outside the scope of Brazilian law. "Brazil needs to sign new judicial cooperation agreements," he said.

The director of the Microsoft Digital Crime Fighting Unit in Brazil, Vanessa Pavilavicius Fonseca, also emphasized the importance of partnerships. "At Microsoft, we have been working on initiatives to improve Internet security for many years," he said. "Our main conclusion is that we don't do anything alone." According to her, the company has already entered into several partnerships in the country, with bodies such as the Federal Police, the Public Ministry and the Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febraban).

Another topic discussed at the Congress was the risks that companies run from having their systems invaded. Several speakers discussed good practices to prevent the theft of valuable data. Craig Moss, Chief Operating Officer of the Center for Responsible Commerce and Entrepreneurship (, drew attention to the common mistake of thinking that the solution basically depends on data protection systems and other IT tools. "You can't solve the problem with technology alone," warned Moss, who attended the event by conference call from the United States. The best approach, he said, involves also creating safer work processes and training people. is a partner of ETCO in the dissemination of good information security practices in Brazil.


Mission of the event

The FecomercioSP congress is the largest event on electronic crimes in Brazil. "Today, the big problem is that you have a colossal advance in technology, but you do not have proportionally the perception of society about the risks of this advance", said Renato Opice Blum, president of the Board of IT Compliance and Digital Education of FecomercioSP. “The mission of the event is to close this gap, promote awareness of the dangers, discuss solutions and share with the public the new trends in the digital world.”

In his assessment, the large companies operating in the country, especially the multinationals, are reasonably protected from electronic crimes. “The biggest problem is with small businesses, which lack the knowledge and culture to face these new challenges.” Opice Blum believes that the fight against digital crimes depends on more effective action by the government. There is an important delay in the adoption of specific public policies, especially in relation to digital education ”, he said. “Regarding the legislature, unfortunately, there is a lack of people specialized in the subject. We should have groups focused on technology, with a greater degree of dedication, more focused and producing results in less time. There is no point in discussing 4, 5, 7 years a law that is obsolete in 1 or 2 years ”.

Opice Blum also highlighted the importance of the partners who helped make the VII Electronic Crimes Congress feasible. "Today, nothing is done without good partners who have the same focus and the same concerns," he said, emphasizing ETCO's support. "The Institute has an important participation in the construction of ethics, legislation and behavior, so it was very important for the congress to count on this partnership".