ETCO Informs

My story with ETCO

Since May, the ETCO newsletter has testimonials from people connected to the Institute's history, which are fundamental for the consolidation of these 10 years of activities.

In this edition, we received the testimony of Leonardo Gadotti Filho, member of the ETCO Advisory Board and one of the founders of the Institute.

The creation of ETCO was an extremely rewarding experience. When we started to discuss the formation of the institute in 2002, everyone had one thing in common, everyone suffered from the same evil: tax evasion. This is what united us.

We were able to easily align ideas and objectives, taking off individual interests and observing the general and country aspects. We knew that our project would not only favor the group. We seek structural reforms that would benefit the entire market. It is important to say that, from the beginning, all of our initiatives have been very well received by the government.

In our first years of life, we had a sensational receptivity. And we still have it. The causes advocated by ETCO - identifying mechanisms for fairer competition - have opened many doors for us. With the good initial results, we were able to structure ourselves and bring more sectors of the economy into the Institute.

ETCO achieved its goal in its first 10 years of life. The issue of electronic invoices, for example, is being very important for Brazil, and represents a great work of associates with the government.

ETCO's work is long-term. Creating an environment free from evasion and piracy, where it is possible to have a satisfactory level of competition, is a permanent challenge, especially in a country like Brazil. We still have a lot of work to do. ”


My story with ETCO

Since May, the ETCO newsletter has testimonials from people linked to the Institute's history, which are fundamental for the consolidation of these 10 years of activities.

In this edition, the testimony of Victoria de Marchi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ETCO and one of the founders of the Institute.

ETCO emerged in the early 2000s, from a movement led by some companies that had been having serious competition difficulties, caused by competitive deviations.

These companies realized that competitors used illegal methods to compete in the Brazilian market, among them smuggling, product counterfeiting and tax evasion, creating an absolutely unequal business environment. Several works in that period were elaborated and presented to the authorities, with proposals to minimize these practices.

Once the extent of the problem was verified, it was decided that it would be important that these works were not restricted to a small group. Thus ETCO was born, as an independent Institute, with the objective of defending the free market and promoting the improvement of the business environment in the country.

One of ETCO's missions was to work towards making the authorities and the community itself aware of the harm that this type of competition brings to Brazil. We understand that, for a country to grow in a sustainable way, it is essential to have a favorable business environment, where market forces can act freely.

Imbued with this spirit is that, with satisfaction, I joined this group of entrepreneurs who are willing to work in defense of a free competitive, ethical and egalitarian market.

This is ETCO's most important mission.


My story with ETCO

As of this edition, the ETCO newsletter will include testimonials from people linked to the Institute's history, which are fundamental for the consolidation of these 10 years of activities.

And to start the series, the testimony of Milton Cabral, one of the founders of the Institute:

I was surprised by the request I was made to remember the first initiatives of the formation of ETCO.

Surprised to remember that it has been 10 years since the formal inauguration in Brasilia. However, before we reached that moment - historic for us - a lot of work and effort had already been dedicated by the pioneer companies and the individuals who represented them.

Clearly, there was a gap in our country of an entity that could actively represent our society's best wishes for a healthy business environment, free from the vices of counterfeiting, smuggling and tax evasion.

ETCO, conceived and designed to meet these desires, bringing together large companies and business associations, arrived at the right time and with the right caliber.

In these pioneering moments, throughout 2002, I had the pleasure of being an active coordinator of the works and, often, host of the multiple preparatory meetings for the assembly of ETCO. Perhaps this is why I became the first Chairman of the Board, a position I held with pleasure until my retirement in 2004.

Looking at the ETCO of the present and its future prospects, I can only record my satisfaction and pride at having so actively participated in its past. I observe, with joy, the continuity of the presence of some of the pioneers of the old days of 2002. I am sure that they, like me, have a sense of accomplishment for bequeathing to Brazil such a noble and useful entity for the construction of the country we want and we dream to bequeath to our children and grandchildren.

May God bless our course and may this good fight continue to be fought.

Milton Cabral, economist, Souza Cruz employee for 33 years, having retired as Financial Vice President