
“But the fact that it is difficult should not serve as a disincentive or hopelessness.”

  1. What is the importance of promoting ethics in a time as troubled as the one we are experiencing in the country?

Ethics, in theory, permeates all relationships within the State and in society. It is true that in Brazil we never had a solid structure of values, which would support permanent ethical conduct. Unfortunately, I realize that our fragile ethical values ​​are in a marked and continuous process of degradation.

I can give several examples of how State actions or concessions affect the behavior of the whole society. For example, the remuneration ceiling for public agents, established in the 1988 Constitution, was never effectively observed. To circumvent the ceiling, remunerations are created, such as housing allowance or travel allowances, which are not subject to Income Tax. It's not illegal, but it's not ethical. When the State practices this type of concession, what message does it convey to society? We also have quotas for parliamentary representation, which make room for parliamentarians to practice the so-called “cracks” and, also, the “Rapporteur's Amendments”, involving billions of reais, which it is not known who they go to.

Such behaviors, when normalized, contaminate the whole society, which starts to devalue or not believe in ethics as a path to development.

How can ETCO's performance contribute to reversing this scenario?

ETCO represents a very special trench in Advocacy for a fair business environment, in which competition prevails rather than cleverness, and in dealing with problems of competition ethics, especially those arising from taxation. Success has been partial, because there are powerful antagonistic interests.

For example, we have the problem of persistent debtors, who create businesses not as an instrument to produce or market their products, but to accumulate wealth by not paying taxes. In 2003, on the initiative of ETCO, Article 146-A was introduced into the Constitution to address this problem. Regrettably, no progress was made in enacting the necessary supplementary law. The project is in the Federal Senate [PLS 284/17], but it advances at a very slow pace, because powerful forces oppose its approval.

How to promote change?

Charles de Gaulle said that indignation is not a value. But it's a good start. Indignation leads to awareness, which in turn leads to conviction. Only when indignation manages to flow within Brazilian society will there be a consistent defense of ethical values. It's difficult? Yup. Cultural problems are difficult to solve. But the fact that it is difficult should not serve as discouragement or hopelessness. Only as a serious obstacle to be faced, against which this conscious indignation must move.”



ETCO and Valor Econômico hold seminar on new Anti-Corruption Law

The newspaper Valor Econômico and the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition - ETCO held in São Paulo, on the 25th, the seminar The Anti-Corruption Law and its Impacts on Companies. The event will address the repercussion of the standard (Law 12.846 / 13) in organizations with direct or indirect relations with the public administration. The program discusses the application of the Anti-Corruption Law, the legal aspects for companies and the challenges of organizations in adapting to the standard.

Among the speakers will be the Chief Minister of the Comptroller General of the Union, Jorge Hage; the president of the Internal Affairs Department of the State of São Paulo, Gustavo Ungaro, and the head of the Internal Affairs Department of the Municipality of São Paulo, Mario Vinícius Spinelli. The panel of speakers also includes legal experts and compliance professionals working in large organizations. Registration is now closed, but it is still possible to put the name on the waiting list, by email.


Order date: August 25th, XNUMX

Location: Intercontinental Hotel - Sao Paulo (SP)

Address: Alameda Santos, 1123, Sao Paulo, SP



Business Ethics - 04/2012

27 / 04 / 2012 - Chinese authorities destroy 4 tons of pirated CDs and DVDs seized in 2011

26 / 04 / 2012 - Tank truck with contraband cigarettes is seized in Juazeiro do Norte (CE)

25 / 04 / 2012 - Police make operation against smuggled products in BH mall

24 / 04 / 2012 - Police seize 30 cigarette bags in Imbé (RS)

23 / 04 / 2012 - Operation in clandestine bingo arrests 12 in Piracicaba (SP)

20 / 04 / 2012 - Piracy causes losses of 50% to the Brazilian optical industry

19 / 04 / 2012 - Clandestine cigarette factory is closed in Sapopema (PR)

18 / 04 / 2012 - Police seize 25 counterfeit sneakers in store in the North Zone of SP

17 / 04 / 2012 - Police seize more than 7 tons of clothes smuggled from Bolivia in Corumbá

16 / 04 / 2012 - Operation against piracy in DF detains six and seizes 12 counterfeit CDs and DVDs

13 / 04 / 2012 - PRF seizes smuggled electronic products in Tatuí (SP)

12 / 04 / 2012 - Federal Revenue makes operation to identify irregularities in constructions in Bauru

11 / 04 / 2012 - Suspected of selling false documents is detained in SP Center

10 / 04 / 2012 - Environmental Military Police assessments of MS grow 161% during the holiday

09 / 04 / 2012 - UniRio triggers PF to investigate fraudulent registrations

06 / 04 / 2012 - Politics and internet piracy are some of the topics discussed at Desencontro 2012

05 / 04 / 2012 - Rio de Janeiro joins the Cidade Livre de Piracy project

04 / 04 / 2012 - PRF seizes 240 boxes of drinks without invoice in MS

03 / 04 / 2012 - Highway Police Seize Smuggled Electronics in Paraná

02 / 04 / 2012 - Brazil stops raising R $ 32 billion a year due to piracy

Business Ethics - 09/2011

30 / 09 / 2011 - Laser pointers are seized in downtown SP

29 / 09 / 2011 - Reebok ordered to pay $ 25 million fine for misleading advertising

28 / 09 / 2011 - Over 200 cases of smuggled cigarettes are seized in Volta Redonda

27 / 09 / 2011 - Police complete inspection operation balance in a popular mall in SP

26 / 09 / 2011 - Eight money changers are detained near the City of Rock

22 / 09 / 2011 - SP Civil Police arrest man accused of fraud in cable TV plan

21 / 09 / 2011 - Football clubs start fighting piracy

20 / 09 / 2011 - Consumption of pirated products among the rich increases compared to last year

19 / 09 / 2011 - Two thousand pirated products are seized during the Sports Turn in SP

16 / 09 / 2011 - Police discover bingo in shopping center in central SP

15 / 09 / 2011 - New law in DF provides punishment to individuals for piracy

14 / 09 / 2011 - Recife Civil Police finds laboratory that produced pirated material

13 / 09 / 2011 - Artists extending music copyright to 70 years in Europe

12 / 09 / 2011 - Suspected of striking more than R $ 1 million is arrested in MS

09 / 09 / 2011 - Seizures of goods by the Federal Police grow 23% in the first half

08 / 09 / 2011 - Study estimates that cost of combating cybercrime is $ 114 billion annually

07 / 09 / 2011 - Coal stored irregularly is seized in RS

06 / 09 / 2011 - Operation seizes more than R $ 200 in products of dubious origin in Curitiba

05 / 09 / 2011 - Chinese authorities release data on piracy in the country

02 / 09 / 2011 - PE action closes clandestine drug factory that operated 20 years ago

01 / 09 / 2011 - Operation closes four lumber companies in the Buritipucu region, in Maranhão

Business Ethics - 08/2011

31 / 08 / 2011 - Police seize cargo of smuggled cigarettes in MS

30 / 08 / 2011 - PRF will increase inspection on highways near the borders with Paraguay and Bolivia

29 / 08 / 2011 - Man is detained with merchandise without invoice from Paraguay

26 / 08 / 2011 - Association makes appeal against pirate batteries

25 / 08 / 2011 - Deposit used to store pirated media is discovered in Belém

24 / 08 / 2011 - PF seizes 28 slot machines and closes pirate radio in Rio

23 / 08 / 2011 - Arrested one with contraband pills in the metropolitan region of Curitiba

22 / 08 / 2011 - PRF seizes almost 5 electronic products smuggled in Bahia

19 / 08 / 2011 - Police operation seizes pirated products in Ribeirão Preto shopping center

18 / 08 / 2011 - Police arrest 14 on suspicion of smuggling in Minas Gerais

17 / 08 / 2011 - Operation arrests two men and seizes about 4 DVDs in Espírito Santo

16 / 08 / 2011 - Police apprehend Peruvian canaries in MS

15 / 08 / 2011 - Rio de Janeiro registers 17 blows against DPVAT in 2011

12 / 08 / 2011 - Police seize 47 pirated CDs and DVDs at Juazeiro do Norte fair

11 / 08 / 2011 - iPhone 5 hasn't even been released yet, but it already has imitations in Brazil

10 / 08 / 2011 - Fake clothes and pirated DVDs are seized at Caruaru fair

09 / 08 / 2011 - Detro-RJ takes action to combat pirated passenger transport

08 / 08 / 2011 - Inspection closes stores that sold illegal products at Feira da Madrugada, in SP

05 / 08 / 2011 - More than 37 pirated DVDs are seized in Duque de Caxias

04 / 08 / 2011 - Companies increase average investment in online security

03 / 08 / 2011 - In DF, police officers take a course to identify counterfeit products

02 / 08 / 2011 - IRS holds auctions for products seized from contraband

01 / 08 / 2011 - Counterfeit products with the 2014 World Cup logo are already on the internet and on the streets

1st Business Ethics Award announces Finalist Companies in São Paulo

Source: Making Of - São Paulo / SP - 12/11/2010

On November 23, the first edition of the Ethics in Business Award takes place in São Paulo, which will award companies that stood out in 2010 with the best corporate practices in the third sector area. The ceremony will take place at the Philip Kotler auditorium of the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM), starting at 20 pm.

Launched earlier this year, during the 1st Brazilian Congress on Business Ethics, the Ethics in Business Award has the main purpose of highlighting companies with “Best Practices”. Therefore, not only the Winning Companies, but also the Finalists in this unprecedented award will enable us to demonstrate, recognize, promote and disseminate examples of excellence in the main themes of Responsible Business Care. In this way, it motivates a greater number of executives and entrepreneurs to be part of the universe of Citizen Companies that fulfill in society, not only their economic role, but, especially, conduct their business in an ethical, socially responsible and ecologically correct manner.

Thus, the steps of Sustainability can be climbed naturally, because, for the Brazilian Institute of Business Ethics, creator and director of this initiative, “Ethics is the basis of Responsible Business Care and the passport to Sustainability”.

In its launching edition, the Ethics in Business Award has a judging committee formed by renowned professionals in the market, among them: Vitor Seravalli - President of the Brazilian Committee of the Global Compact; Walter Machado de Barros - President of IBEF / SP; Jorge Cajazeira - President of the ISO 26000 World Committee; Maria Cecília de Arruda - Professor of Ethics at FGV-SP; Paulo Nassar - General Director of ABERJE; Maria Celina Arraes - Strategic Coordinator of UNDP Brazil; Profa. Maria Raquel Grassi - Manager of the Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Center at Fundação Dom Cabral; André Franco Montoro Filho - President of ETCO; José Carlos Rocha Miranda - IDB chief executive in Brazil; Luiz Fernando Bueno - Director of the Social Responsibility Department at CIESP Campinas; and Ricardo Bomeny - President of ABF who evaluated projects registered in six categories: Social Responsibility, Environment, Sustainability, Communication and Transparency, Ethics and Volunteering.

The final companies of the Ethics in Business Award are: Mahle Metal Leve, Sabesp, Eletrosul, Chubb do Brasil, Kepler Weber, Boticário, Delphi Automotive, OI, Diebold, Total Alimentos, BAESA, Unimed Brasil and 3M do Brasil.

Each edition of the Ethics in Business Award will pay tribute to an executive or entrepreneur with an important legacy in the national business environment. In 2010, the posthumous honoree is the engineer João Augusto Conrado do Amaral Gurgel.


1st Business Ethics Award
Date: November 23, 2010
Location: ESPM - Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing
Profº Francisco Gracioso Campus
Rua Dr. Álvaro Alvim, 123 - Vila Mariana
04018-010 - São Paulo, SP