"I am absolutely certain that ETCO will remain steadfast in its essential work"
Victor Carlos De Marchi, former CEO of Antarctica, is co-chairman of the Board of Directors of Ambev. He was also at the head of the National Beer Industry Union (Sindicerv). He was one of the founders of ETCO and chairman of the Institute's Board of Directors

I am proud to be one of the founders and former chairman of the ETCO Board of Directors. I remember the first movements around the idea, in 2002, when some sectors got together to assess how it would be possible to improve the business environment in our country, as there were many competition deviations.
The Institute was created the following year, initially with four sectorial chambers – Fuels, Cigarettes, Soft Drinks and Beers – to which two more were later added, Medicines and Technology.
Reference in the topic
In these 18 years, ETCO has consolidated itself as a reference source in the defense of a fair market, in which all its agents can have equal conditions in competitive practices. This desired scenario contributes to avoiding damage not only to companies, but also to different levels of government and to Brazilian society as a whole.
Several studies carried out by the Institute over the years have reinforced this important role played by ETCO. Some examples are the Brazilian Underground Economy Index, in partnership with the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), and the book Cultura das Transgressões no Brasil, with Instituto FHC.
causes on the horizon
The achievements accumulated by ETCO are very important and must be celebrated, but there are still many other causes for which the Institute must continue to fight. Among them, the reduction of the Brazilian tax burden and the establishment of special taxation criteria to prevent imbalances in competition and the reduction of the period of legal discussions in the country - which take, on average, 17 years, generating huge liabilities for the private sector .
With the excellent executive team and the always important participation of the Advisory Board, I am fully confident that ETCO will remain steadfast in its essential work towards an ethical and fair business environment.